Hacking wifi using Kali linux (wpa/wpa2)

Hacking wifi using Kali linux (wpa/wpa2)

How to hack wifi:

Iam not responsible for anything, its illegal way. its just Educational purpose.
Kali Linux is very Critical to use on local drive, run kali Linux from usb live. its prety easy to run fom live.
1) Download kali linux iso file from official site
2) download ATH Usb universal installer(direct link below) here, is the direct link of latest version.
Plug-in your pen drive (minimum 4gb)
then, Install first "Usb Installer" and open it.
it will ask you to "select one Linux Distribution" choose kali linux from drop down list.
After, Browse Kali linux "iso" file from your PC and select your USB
then, click "Create". it will ask"click YES to perform this action or NO to Abort"
Click "YES" it will Extract files into Pendrive. when Finish. click "FINISH". It will change USB name to "UUI". then, Restart your PC or Laptop and Goto BIOS Setting, A typical menthod to access BIOS Setting Screen is to press F2, F10, F12 during the Boot Sequence. Goto Boot tab and Choose "select boot priority" and select Removable Device, Actually the Default Boot Priority is CD/DVD Rom Drive. then press F10 and click "y" to conform "yes"exit. turn on PC. then, press "F12" or "del" to access USB Boot. It will open Kali Menu And Choose "kali linux live"
finally, it will open kali linux for you.

                 HACKING WIFI 
Step 1:
Open Terminal,
and type "airmong-ng"
If  your network Interface is Wifi type "airmong-ng start wlan0" or If lan (cable internet) type "airmong-ng start eth0" or If Alfa type "airmong-ng start wlan1". to check your Network Interface type, "ifconfig" in a New Terminal. It will show the interface. then, If any Blocking Errors Available. It will Shows some Errors below. if any errors. type "rfkill unblock all". this Command will clear all errors. then, Next step is you have to scan wifi networks type "airodmp-ng -W -M wlan0". last word is Depends upon your Network Interface. If Wifi use Wlan0, or ethernet use eth0, or Alfa use Wlan1.
then, Wait for 2 minutes and to Stop Scanning Wifi Networks type "ctrl+c". and It will show Some Networks. and Note down the BSSID, Channel(ch) of Victim's Network.
and type "reaver -i (your interface) -c(channel) -b (bssid) -vv -K 1"
 here, an Example: "reaver -i wlan0 -c 11 -b A2:07:F4:23:Z1:1R -vv K 1". It will Take Some time to Hack. Its Depends upon Network Strength. yeah!!! Now, Hack Passwords and Enjoy..
If you want Hack in 1 Minute. Please Contact Me. I will Provide Another Prototype.

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-Vivek Akkaldevi


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-Vivek Akkaldevi.

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