HEALTH EFFECTS FROM NAIL POLISH. Hey!! This is Vivek Akkaldevi, Today I am Gonna Explore You About Toxic Effects From Nail Polish. Cosmetic Materials Contains Linked to fertility Problems and Cancer too, Some Scientists warns Causes : They Says Nail care or polish products Contain Extremely toxic and potentially Dangerous Ingredients. They Says Due to Exposure These Chemicals can be Damage Nervous System and also Hormones had been Linked illnesses like fertility Problems and cancer Nail care Products contain many toxic chemicals and Hazardous ingredients. Chemical ingredients in products range from Cancer causing compounds such as Formaldehyde to others that disrupt our hormones. It will affect the central nervous system and cause reproductive harm. Those Some Products contain Plasticizer, it functions as a Plasticizer (chemical) in nail polish to increase flexibility and durability. Effects : Some products Contain "Toxic Trio" Toxic Trio means ...